Vim is a terminal editor in Linux, Mac and Windows system if it’s installed. To be really efficient in using vim, you’ll need to master a few very important keystrokes. So, here’s a list of common vim keystrokes that can improve your vim experience.

Cursor movement

h - move cursor left 
l - move cursor right
k - move cursor up
j - move cursor down

H - move cursor to top of screen
M - move cursor to middle of screen
L - move cursor to bottom of screen

w - jump forward to the start of a word 
e - jump forward to the end of a word
b - jump backwards to the start of a word 

0 - jump to the start of the line
$ - jump to the end of the line 

gg - go to the first line of the document 
G - go the last line of the decoment

Insert mode

i - insert before cursor
I - insert at the beginning of the line 
a - insert after the cursor
A - insert at the end of the line 

To get a list of vim keystrokes, here’s a good list of shortcuts. Enjoy.