about me
aws skills
vpc, load balancing, auto scaling, route 53
ec2, lightsail, elastic beanstalk, lambda
github, docker, kubernetes, dashboard
ebs, efs, s3, storage classes, glacier
rds, dynamodb, redshift, athena
cloud formation, terraform, aws cli
cloudfront, cloudwatch, cloudtrail, vpc flowlogs
iam, simple queue system, simple notification system
elastic encoder, workspaces, workdocs, workmail
systems manager, trusted advisor, config
elastic transcoder, certificate manager, directory service
compute engine, app engine, kubernetes engine
container registry, cloud functions, cloud sdk
deployment manager, cloud source repositories
cloud vpc, cloud load balancing, cloud sql
iam, cloud dns, cloud vpn, cloud cdn
cloud storage, persistent disk, cloud filestore
cloud provider experience
aws – amazon cloud services.
azure – microsoft cloud services.
gcp – google cloud platform.
linode – ssd cloud hosting.
digital ocean – ssd cloud server.
docker – containers for running distributed apps.
cloud documentation
ubuntu – my linux server of choice.
fedora – another linux server sponsored by redhat.
centos – centos is based red hat enterprise linux.
debian – debian is a solid no-nonsense linux platform.
howtoforge – provides user-friendly linux tutorials.
tecmint – linux how to guide.
apache – an open-source http server.
nginx – a http, proxy, reverse proxy server.
bower – package manager for the web.
gulp – automate and enhance your workflow.
varnish – is a web application caching accelerator.
wordpress – cms for creating websites or blogs.
javascript – guides, tutorials, tools and resources.
jquery – fast, small, and feature-rich javascript library.
angular – a structural framework for dynamic web apps.
react – facebook javascript library for building interfaces.
node.js – platform for fast, scalable network applications.
eloquent javascript – introduction to javascript.
sites i read
9to5linux, 9to5mac, anandtech, appleinsider, arstechnica, bgr, bigthink, boingboing, businessinsider, cnet, computerworld, digitaltrends, engadget, extremetech, fastcompany, geekwire, gigaom, gizmodo, google news, googleblog, hackernews, howtogeek, informationweek, infoworld, itechpost, lifehacker, macrumors, mashable, macworld, mit technology review, pcworld, readwrite, reuters technology, slashdot, slashgear, tedtalk, techcrunch, techdirt, techmeme, technorati, techradar, techrepublic, techtimes, theregister, thenextweb, theverge, tomshardware, venturebeat, recode, wired, zdnet