aws cli bucket lifecycle configuration
I was banging my head against the wall (not quite literally, but it was close) trying to come up with a S3 lifecycle configuration from scratch. I needed a JSON file that I can run in a bash script, so I can apply the lifecycle rules to a few dozen S3 buckets. Obviously, trying to create one from scratch wasn’t the wisest choice in my part. As it turns out, you can setup a temporary bucket and use the console to recreate the lifecycle, then export the lifecycle JSON file. Duh! Genius! Here’s the command to export the lifecycle configuration.
aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
--bucket bucket-name
The output would be in a JSON format similar to this:
"Rules": [
"Status": "Enabled",
"NoncurrentVersionExpiration": {
"NoncurrentDays": 90
"NoncurrentVersionTransitions": [
"NoncurrentDays": 7,
"Filter": {
"Prefix": ""
"Expiration": {
"ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker": true
"AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload": {
"DaysAfterInitiation": 7
"ID": "EFS S3 Backup Lifecycle Rules"