ec2 describe snapshots
If you have a ton of snapshots, they tend to be difficult to find within the AWS console. Although AWS has optimized the snapshot view, it’s still in beta. Filtering a volume id is still a problem. It might be faster just to use the AWS CLI to display snapshot information. Here’s an example of how to display snapshots given a certain volume id.
aws ec2 describe-snapshots \
--filters Name=volume-id,Values=vol-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--query "Snapshots[*].{ID:SnapshotId,Time:StartTime,Progress:Progress}" \
--profile default
The result is something like this.
"Progress": "99%",
"ID": "snap-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Time": "2018-12-25T10:19:51.385Z"
"Progress": "99%",
"ID": "snap-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Time": "2018-12-24T09:35:09.357Z"