copy s3 to gcs
You can use gsutil to copy directly from a S3 bucket to a GCS bucket.
gsutil can read/write to a S3 bucket as long as it has access to your AWS credentials.
The -R option is recursive and -m is for multi-threaded or multi-processing.
gsutil -m cp -R s3://bucket/ gs://bucket
You can also use rsync instead of cp. Just be aware that rsync does not copy empty directory trees
gsutil -m rsync -r s3://bucket/ gs://bucket
If you plan to use -d, Use it with caution since it deletes content.
You may have to set the following to your defaults accounts.
export AWS_PROFILE=yourprofile
gcloud config set project your-project-id
This ensures that default profile and projects are used in both AWS and GCP.