gcp vm list all snapshots
Here’s how to list all the snapshots for a particular VM in GCP.
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]
echo "Usage: ./gcp-list-all-snapshots.sh project server policy"
# Set the name of the snapshot schedule policy and the disk name to filter by
PROJECT=$1 # PROJECT="projectId"
SERVER=$2 # DISK_NAME="hostname"
POLICY=$3 # POLICY_NAME="hourly or daily"
disks=$(gcloud compute disks list --project $PROJECT --filter="name~$SERVER" --format="value(name)")
for disk in $disks; do
# List all snapshots created by the snapshot schedule policy
gcloud compute snapshots list \
--filter="sourceSnapshotSchedulePolicy ~ $POLICY AND sourceDisk~$disk$" \
--format="table(sourceDisk.basename(),name,creationTimestamp,sourceSnapshotSchedulePolicy.basename())" \
--sort-by "~creationTimestamp" \
The script requires three arguments: projectId, hostname and policy.