GCP has new generation of disks for demanding and mission-critical applications. Hyperdisks is not available on all VMs, but they are usually available on large machine types. You create a Hyperdisk from scratch and attach it to an existing VM or convert a current disk by way of a snapshot. Here’s the script to convert it an existing disk to Hyperdisk from a snapshot.

There are 3 types of Hyperdisks

  1. Hyperdisk Balanced
  2. Hyperdisk Extreme
  3. Hyperdisk Throughput

Convert from snapshot.

gcloud compute disks create $disk \
  --source-snapshot="$snap" \
  --type="hyperdisk-extreme" \
  --zone="$zone" \

Or create a new one.

gcloud compute disks create $disk \
   --zone="$zone" \
   --size=100 \
   --type="hyperdisk-extreme" \

IOPS and Throughput are optional values. You can let GCP decide the default or override it.
