I ordered a couple of Raspberry Pis from Newark Element 14 two weeks ago. I’m ecstatic to say the least. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Raspberry Pi. The estimated shipment date is November 19. It will probably take 4-5 days for the shipment to arrive home.


I’m not sure yet what I plan to do with the Raspberry Pi yet. I will probably start with a media center for streaming music, videos, movies, and radio stations. The other Raspberry Pi, I will most likely use it for other projects. November 19 can’t get here soon enough.

Debian will probably be my OS of choice. What kind of services do I plan to install? Maybe, a web server, FTP server, PHP and MySQL database. I could install TeamSpeak or Ventrilo server as well. Who knows. There are tons of possibilities. X10 home automation also is another possibility.